Bespoke Applications for your Backend and Core Processes

Applications for your back-end processes

Processes that impact your cost-control and the stability of your revenue.

Improve your employees’ lifecycle with solutions for:

  • Employee on-boarding & off-boarding
  • Performance reviews
  • Expense claims & approvals
  • Business travel management
  • Absence management
  • Self-service portal


Help your IT team to manage requests more efficiently and expedite ticket resolution.

  • Change management requests
  • New project requests
  • Help desk & IT service management
  • Department self-service


Automate your finance processes so you can focus on driving revenue and margin growth.

  • Purchase requests
  • Expense approvals
  • Invoice management
  • Budgeting
  • Supplier invoice validation
  • Supplier management
  • Accounts receivable


We co-create your applications with you, adapting them based on your feedback and the evolving needs of your business.

  • Quote-to-cash
  • Customer onboarding
  • Proposal & collateral development
  • Customer self-service


Speed up your procurement processes by banishing repetitive and time-intensive tasks. Free up your employees to focus on business-critical activities, like decision-making and strategy.

  • E-procurement & purchase order processing
  • Global supply chain management
  • Spend management
  • Inventory management
  • Capex & Opex approvals


Applications for the right people to have access to the right information at the right time, helping to focus on high-value work.

  • Contract Management
  • Automated document generation
  • E-Signature
  • Intelligent document processing


Applications for your core processes

We enhance processes for growth and profitability, regardless of your industry.

Automating core processes in the real estate industry improves efficiency, enhances productivity, and provides better experiences for real estate professionals, property owners, and tenants. Solutions include Property Management Software such as
  • Lease management
  • Rent collection
  • Maintenance requests
  • Rent reconciliation and billables

We help financial service providers including banks, wealth management, and insurance companies to efficiently manage policies, investments, accounts, claims, and more.

Financial institutions embrace automation to improve compliance, reduce costs, increase operation efficiency by banishing human mistakes, and increase customer satisfaction.

Solutions include:

  • Banking and loan processing
  • Claims management
  • Wealth management
  • Automation of financial processes
  • Approval automation
There are numerous innovative applications that can improve various aspects of agriculture, food production, and distribution. Solutions include:
  • Supply Chain Management
Application to optimise supply chain, from farm to table.
  • Farm Management Software
Application to streamline financial planning, inventory management,
  • Regulatory Compliance Tools
Applications that assist in complying with food safety and environmental regulations.
Healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and medical device manufacturers can benefit from AMO’s automation solutions for their core processes and focus on better patient care. Applications to
  • Improve patient experiences through administrative process automation Guarantee governance and compliance despite the ever-changing healthcare regulations
  • Manage Supply Chain to ensure no shortages in equipment, drugs
  • Replace paper-based requests for the pharmaceutical sales team – e-Signature, automated approval requests
Many legal organisations have automated their processes to save time and improve client experience giving them a competitive advantage. Solutions include:
  • Contract management
  • Case management
  • Automated document generation & processing
  • E-signature
With our automation solutions, manufacturing processes can be streamlined to improve supplier operations, enhance productivity and boost efficiency while maintaining safety and compliance at each step of production. Solutions include:
  • Automated procurement processes
  • Machinery and equipment inspections routines
  • Stock and logistics management
  • Automated supplier operations
With AMO pioneering solutions, these businesses can find the right balance between productivity and cutting costs. Solutions include:
  • Cargo planning
  • Export & import terminal operations
  • Shipping management
Governments can digitalise their operations and services to accelerate public outcomes in all departments – including Health, Education, and many more Solutions include:
  • Public policy procedure management
  • Budget management
  • Resource management

Success Stories

Find out how we helped our broad spectrum of clients

New product innovation platform

New Product Innovation Platform

Employee Life Cycle Management

Employee Life Cycle Management

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Fuel Card Management System


Volunteering Engagement Portal

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Application Development Request

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Facilities Budget Management


Financial Documents Review & Approval Committee Solution

AMO-Advisory-Meeting (1)

Performance Appraisal Solution

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Lease Agreement Management


Partners Management Portal


Recruitment Solution

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Global Procure to Pay (Purchase to Pay) Platform